Let’s Talk About Public Speaking

Sam Speaking Two editI enjoy making presentations on legal topics for groups and organizations.   I’m a frequent guest on Insight on Business- the News Hour Radio show (1350AM 5-6PM weekdays), and I’ve traveled throughout the State of Iowa, sharing information on estate planning and business law. In addition to my “prepared” remarks, I always allow plenty of time for specific questions (think FREE legal advice).

Recently I spoke about estate planning as part of a pre-retirement seminar presented by the Iowa State Education Association.  Based on the evaluations from the 72 participants, I believe the sessions were successful, and the participants took home some valuable information.

I would look forward to additional speaking opportunities on business law or estate matters.  If you are part of a chamber, or an association that wants to provide a useful and beneficial educational opportunity for members; let’s talk. And, no, I don’t charge a fee for my presentations (at least not yet!).

Kreamer Law West Des Moines, Iowa

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7155 Lake Drive, Suite 200
West Des Moines, IA 50266-2507
Tel: (515) 727-0900 Fax: (515) 727-0939

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