Creating a Will and Trust

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Life Insurance & Your Estate Plan

Your life insurance may mess up your estate plan. Life insurance is a key element of most estate plans, but an improper, or ill-considered beneficiary designation, can ruin the best of plans. Upon your “passing”, life insurance proceeds, are paid pursuant to the exact terms of the policy, that is... (Continue reading...)

The Dynasty Family Business – Part Two

Part One of the Dynasty Family Business covered necessary characteristics a family business needs to become a Dynasty Family Business, and was posted on May 24, 2017.  In this second part, the passage of ownership will be explained. The “live forever plan” has not yet been shown to be successful.... (Continue reading...)

Estate Planning Triggers – Part Three – What Causes People to Engage in Estate Planning

The biggest reason that people become engaged in Estate Planning is the occurrence of a “mortality event”.  This can be a serious injury or dramatic illness which they have suffered, or the injury, illness or death of someone close to them.  These would include the death of a parent or... (Continue reading...)

Estate Planning Triggers – Part Two – Why is Estate Planning Important

Absent an estate plan, the Iowa Code governs these matters. A court will decide who is best suited to distribute your property after you pass.  This may not be the same individual you would choose.  Similarly, the Iowa statute establishes a plan for distribution of your assets which may or may not... (Continue reading...)

Estate Planning Triggers – Part One – What is “Estate Planning”?

Estate Planning is the set of declarations of what you want to have happen when you can no longer make decisions for yourself due to death, injury or illness. Normal Estate Planning includes Wills,Powers of Attorney for Health Care, and Powers of Attorney for Financial Matters. A Will controls the distribution... (Continue reading...)

Statute vs Will for Business Owners

Next to their family, business owners normally care most about their business. While many business owners plan to live forever, there is little evidence of success in that endeavor. This short article will focus on what happens to the business assets should there be no Will, Trust or a Buy/Sell Agreement. First,... (Continue reading...)

Picking An Executor: Part 1

Estate planning is not about dying. It is about attaining the peace of mind that what you want done will get done when you are no longer there to make your wishes known. In this and the next few blogs, I’ll go through some common estate planning questions and considerations. WHAT IS AN EXECUTOR? An... (Continue reading...)


The client who comes prepared for meetings with their attorney save significant amounts on their legal fees. This is because the attorney can work much more efficiently to address your needs. The nature of the preparation is dependent on the type of matter involved, but, at the very least, you should... (Continue reading...)

Will Your Life Insurance Mess Up Your Estate Plan?

Your life insurance may mess up your estate plan. Life insurance is a key element of most estate plans, but an improper, or ill-considered beneficiary designation, can ruin the best of plans. Upon your “passing”, life insurance proceeds, are paid pursuant to the exact terms of the policy, that is... (Continue reading...)

Kreamer Law West Des Moines, Iowa

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