Business Decisions-Who has the power?
Again, I go on air to discuss with Michael Libbie the final part of our Three-Part Interview on “What Happens to Your Business If Anything Happens to You?” This time we’re discussing who will have the power to make the decisions for your business if you can’t. Click the link below... (Continue reading...)
Kreamer Law Firm-How can we help you?
Recently I was able to record a short video explaining what it is we do at Kreamer Law firm and how we can help you with legal assistance in your Business, Corporate, Estate Planning, and Probate needs. Click the link below to watch our video, then head over to our Practice Areas tab for more information! If... (Continue reading...)
Let’s Talk About Public Speaking
I enjoy making presentations on legal topics for groups and organizations. I’m a frequent guest on Insight on Business- the News Hour Radio show (1350AM 5-6PM weekdays), and I’ve traveled throughout the State of Iowa, sharing information on estate planning and business law. In addition to my... (Continue reading...)
Listen to our Podcast
Recently, I was on the InSight on Business-The News Hour with Michael Libbie. Going on the radio is always a great experience with him, and being able to reach out to their audience with information that is useful to the community is something I look forward to each month. In this video, Michael and... (Continue reading...)
What Happens to Your Business if Something Happens to You: Part One
Owning a business can be very rewarding. It also can be very confusing when thinking about how to plan for the future. Before you read this post, there are a couple things you need to know: THIS IS COMPLICATED. You need a PLAN to be developed with the guidance of an attorney who understands BOTH business... (Continue reading...)
Taking Charge: Estate Planning Considerations
I am very much looking forward to being able to speak next Saturday, November 8th, and again the following Saturday, November 15th, for the Iowa State Education Association. The topics for this seminar are all about life after retirement: the benefits you can look forward to receiving, financial help... (Continue reading...)
Types of Trusts Part Two: Testamentary Trusts
In a prior blog, I discussed trusts that can be established in a grantor’s lifetime. In this blog, I’ll discuss trusts which are established after the grantor dies: a testamentary trust. These trusts take their name from the fact that they are established by the grantor’s Last Will and Testament.... (Continue reading...)
Types of Trusts Part One: Living Trusts
In the previous post, I described how trusts can be part of everyone’s estate planning (besides Jason Bourne). There are essentially two types of trusts: living trusts and testamentary trusts. In this post I’ll provide you with some information about certain types of living trusts. Living trusts... (Continue reading...)
Why Matt Damon Needs a Trust, Jason Bourne Does Not
Everyone enjoys watching movies. It’s something that really brings people together while they share the story of the characters on screen; I love it. The other day, I was going through my movies and found the Bourne Series. If you are unfamiliar with Jason Bourne AND you enjoy great films, I strongly... (Continue reading...)
Giving Away Information
Businesses really have only two choices: they can grow (through formation or purchases) or go away (mostly by sale). Those are the two things I spoke about during a recent Lunch and Learn presented for the West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce. If you would like to access the PowerPoint I used, click... (Continue reading...)