5 Tips to Avoid Legal Problems
In the course of practicing law for over 35 years, I have found that there are some actions that can be taken to avoid potential legal problems. An argument can be made that these observations are nothing more than “common sense”, but as many prophets, sages, philosophers and otherwise intelligent... (Continue reading...)

Life Insurance & Your Estate Plan
Your life insurance may mess up your estate plan. Life insurance is a key element of most estate plans, but an improper, or ill-considered beneficiary designation, can ruin the best of plans. Upon your “passing”, life insurance proceeds, are paid pursuant to the exact terms of the policy, that is... (Continue reading...)

Obligations of Board Members
Serving on a board of directors of a non-profit entity(1) is an opportunity to improve your community and help others, but it comes with certain obligations. Each non-profit entity, in general, must have a board of directors(2). There must be at least one director, but the number can be changed as... (Continue reading...)

Rights of Minority Owners
Just because someone may be a majority owner of a company does NOT mean the company can do whatever they please. Minority owners have substantial rights and remedies to protect their interests. Minority owners may not feel in control, but this does not mean they do not have power. A minority... (Continue reading...)

Raising Capital for Your Business
To successfully raise capital, you must be prepared to do so, recognize the sources of capital, be aware of the costs of the funds, be in compliance with securities laws, and have a back end strategy. Be Prepared: One thing investors want to make sure of is that they are going to get their investment... (Continue reading...)

Statute vs Will for Business Owners
Next to their family, business owners normally care most about their business. While many business owners plan to live forever, there is little evidence of success in that endeavor. This short article will focus on what happens to the business assets should there be no Will, Trust or a Buy/Sell Agreement. First,... (Continue reading...)

Key Documents for Business Part Two
I’ve had the pleasure of providing legal services to both large and small businesses for decades. Here I’ll explain some business documents that I believe are important for specific types of businesses. Let’s Talk Trade Name – Statue says, and you may be surprised at this, that anyone operating... (Continue reading...)

Key Documents for Your Business
Although each business has its own need for specific documents my goal here is to share with you certain business documents and types of documents that are important to businesses in general. When it comes to doing business you need to remember to treat your business as a business and not a hobby. For... (Continue reading...)

What are the Steps in Selling a Business?
Very few people sell multiple numbers of businesses. Accordingly, MOST businesses are sold by “first time” sellers. The purpose of this article is to provide you some insight on the steps you should take in the course of selling your business. Self-Assessment Are you in fact selling a business? If... (Continue reading...)
If you buy a business, and there is no covenant to not compete, you may have financed a competitor who could steal your business away from you. If you do not have key employees sign covenants to not compete, they could take your critical business information and/or key customers and vendors with them... (Continue reading...)